Saturday, 6 August 2011

House Porn

So I have been househunting for the last few weeks.....It's not the most enojoyabe thing to do....especially when in your head you want to live in a house like this...

One day....

I'll have a pair in every colour please

In love with love

ok so this is my second blog post which features Elle Fanning....but I think she is EMEZIN!here are the new LOVE covers and they are delightful

back in business

It's Saturday...and as I live on the wild side these days im sat watching Harry Potter and reading through blogs. Came across the below pictures and had to pretty!also it has been way too long since my last blog, still trying to introduce my body to a full time job.  It misses the lieins and therefore at the moment my life is all work and no play...will try and fit in more blogging for the upcoming months....